Joining the Registry
Donation Process
HLA Typing
Post Donation
Donor Responsibilities
Myths and Facts
Donor FAQs
Technical FAQs
Donor Experiences
Become A Donor
To join the Registry, you need..Read More
About MDR(I)
The MDR(I) is a database of voluntary Donors..Read More
- MDR(I) Registration form
- MDR(I) Donation form
> Donor Stories  
Everyone's journey and experience with dealing with Leukemia and other cancers is different. Here some people have shared their stories. If you would like to share your story, please contact us.
  • I had a very satisfying experience at the Apheresis Donor center & felt very happy for having contributed in saving a child’s life - Rupali Shewale
  • I have a message for all my friends who are regular blood Donors. Please go for Stem Cell Donation. You will have the satisfaction of having saved a life of a Patient who is certain to die without your help - Sunil Kshirsagar
  • Go ahead & give your Stem cells. It’s the least you can do for your fellow brethren - Ratan Seth
  • I have registered myself as a stem cell donor and I am very eager to be match for some patient so that I can save a life. - Mahesh Shirodkar